it tools
- txt: convert text to lowercase, uppercase, camelcase, reverse, remove duplicates, sort, quoted printable, binary
- split: split text by delimiter, similar to cut(1)
- pad: pad all lines with custom text
- base64: encode or decode base64
- url: encode or decode a url
- hash: generate various hashes from strings
- pwgen: simple password generator
- protocol: a protocol cheat sheet for smtp, pop3, imap, ftp and http
- idn: translate international domain names (punycode)
- browser: view information about your browser
- compare: compare two lists and get the differences
- paste: a simple pastebin
- ascii: the ascii table with hex, oct and html values
- date2utime: convert a date and time to unixtime
- secmsg: leave or read a secure (encrypted) message
- ip: look up ip address information
- dupes: find duplicate lines in a list
- tab2lf: replace tabs with linefeeds, handy for flipping spreadsheets
- sqbox: encode text using square box columnar transposition
- urlexpand: safely expand a shortened url
- replace: replace text
- grep: good ol' grep